Ultimate Hate Heaven High 15CM ◢️Customized, non refundable, non exchangeableOriginal replica gift box setPackaging will only be copied, do not know how to copy othersI have always wanted to make shoes that reflect our true craftsmanship and highlight quality. I have always said that my heels are well made. So, what are the advantages? We will show it more clearly on this shoeThe water table is divided into inner and outer water tables, which invisibly increases the difficulty of operation. We have made our own molds for the heels because the entire market does not have such fine heelsColor: Black patent leather, black cowhide, bare patent leather, bare cowhideHeight up to 15cmsize 35–43
Ultimate Hate Heaven High 15CM ◢️Customized, non refundable, non exchangeableOriginal replici5k5mb6r
Brand | Christian |
size | Email Us The Color You Want, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 |
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